Stowmarket eco future group
About us
Stowmarket Eco Future Group came into being after two local residents wrote to their MP on various environmental matters and were concerned by the replies received, which suggested that the Conservative Party was content with the actions they had taken or were planning.
We knew that these actions were insufficient to bring about the changes needed to avert a climate crisis. Sharri McGarry and Stella Davis used their fear and frustration to set up a facebook group in September 2020 which grew fast and now has over 700 members.
The group aims to give information and ideas about caring for the environment and living sustainably, and to create opportunities for action, preferring practical activity over political protest. With contributions from our members, we have many local initiatives like terracycling collections, tree wardens, regular litter picks, rewilding schemes; leave the weeds for the bees and anti-engine-idling campaigns.
We have members who link up with local schools and have held our local council to account on environmental matters by asking questions at committee meetings. Understandably, at first, they were defensive, but we are now working co-operatively together, and they come to the eco group for assistance.
The Museum of East Anglian Life asked us to create an exhibition in 2022, “Every Garden Matters” which showed how to use gardens and local spaces for our dwindling biodiversity.
It will be the combined efforts of the majority of people that will make the difference.
Some group members have supported the local Green party by distributing leaflets, and we were pleased to increase the number of Green Councillors at the recent local elections.
The facebook group has sister pages for litter picking (Love Where You Live) vegetarian and vegan eating and 5R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Refuse. We set up a Whatsapp group and the most active members communicate regularly through this. All of our monthly meetings are on zoom.
Our email address is
We are registered as a small charity.

SEFG started with 2 people having a conversation and taking a small action. The mood was right, and it caught on. Just start, and your town will likely be the same!
We enjoyed networking with a similar group in Haverhill – they run a recycling stall on their market, so we were inspired to start a similar scheme in Stowmarket. We collect every 2nd Sunday at Red Gables (2-4 pm) and every 4th Thursday on the market (9.30-11.30 am).
We collect medicine blister packs, pet food pouches, dental goods, pens and cheese wrappers, tetrapaks, Pringles tubes, coffee pods, makeup containers and spectacles.
At Red Gables, alongside the Recycling Stall, there is a Repair Café. The aim is to reduce waste and, thanks to talented volunteers, help people to repair their items….clothes, jewellery, bikes and small electricals for example.